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Steeton Bobbins Subgroups

​​The Bobbins-Bob-Along: Walking group. There's now a WhatsApp group. Walks commenced! Meets normally on 1st Friday of the month. The next walk is on 7th June following the path up Steeton's waterfalls; meet outside Steeton Hub at 9.30am.


Bobbins, Buttons & Bows oh my!:  Craft group coordinated by Sam and Julie. Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month, usually evenings.


The Bobbins Coffee Club - brunch is now Coffee & Cake meetups. The next dates are: 11 May, 20 June, 3 August, 12 September, 26 October, 5 December. The 20 June meeting is 11am at the Joyful Deli in Addingham.


The Bobbins Bookworms: Meetings are normally 4th Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. May's book is Dissolution by C J Sansom. Looking ahead our books for the summer are: June - The Sins of the Mother by Danielle Steel; July - Dear Rosie Hughes by Melanie Hudson; July - Seasons Of My Life by Hannah Hauxwell. Our varied reading history is listed on the 'Bobbins Bookworms' page.


​The Social Bobbins: A cultural, theatre, social events and special outings group. Meetings are rather ad hoc!

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